Publishing house TIPAR, Tiraspol, 200 copies.
This work was prepared by the research department of the Public Relations and Information Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PMR, based on data collected in various
archives of the CIS and long-term work on the systematization of these data. The release of the work is dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the first annalistic mention of the city of Bendery, that is, to October 8, 2008. It contains a list of soldiers and officers of various divisions of the Russian army, whose personnel were buried at the military memorial complex in the city of Bender in the period from the beginning of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th centuries. In the book of the dead for each regiment or unit of the Bendery garrison, information is briefly given on this unit: the date of its foundation, regimental holiday, place of deployment, regimental priest. Separately, this work contains entire chapters dedicated to the 55th Podolsk Infantry Regiment, native to the city of Bendery, and the generals buried in this cemetery. The history of the cemetery itself and the history of the emergence of a military memorial complex in its place are presented. Separate sections are also devoted to those who died during the assault on the Bendery fortress in 1770, civilians, the foreign sector, etc. The work presents a large amount of photographic material and illustrations. This work is intended for a wide range of readers.