
MD 3200, Bender, str. Petr Panin, 2

IDC: +373 779 08728
orange: +373 68415480

E’mail: ;  

Working mode:

  • April 1st to October 31st: 9:00 – 18:00 (летний сезон)
  • from November 1 to March 31: 9:00 – 17:00 (зимний сезон)
  • в летний сезон, с 18 мая в выходные и праздничные дни: с 10:00 – 19:00 


Yaskov Alexander Alexandrovich

Yaskov Alexander Alexandrovich



Vilkov Georgy Stanislavovich

Vilkov Georgy Stanislavovich

Deputy Director for Research


Tanasenko Alexander Nikolaevich

Tanasenko Alexander Nikolaevich

Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Activities

Kolomiets Natalia Vyacheslavovna

Kolomiets Natalia Vyacheslavovna

Chief Accountant


  • From 04/05/2021 - Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Historical Military Memorial Complex" Bendery Fortress ". Short name: MUP IVMK "Bendery fortress". Founder: State Administration of the city of Bendery.
  • Since 2008, from the moment of creation until 04/05/2021 - State Unitary Enterprise IVMK "Bendery Fortress". Founder: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PMR.

Legal address: MD, 3200 Bender, st. Petra Panina, 2

Actual address: MD, 3200 Bender, st. Petra Panin, 2, the territory of the Bendery fortress.

The administration is located in the complex of buildings between the Alexander Nevsky Church and the exhibition and exhibition hall.

Settlement accounts in the Bendery branch No. 6706 of Pridnestrovian Sberbank CJSC (KUB 38)

  • fiscal code : 0300043081
  • correspondent account: 20210000094
  • In rubles PMR : 2211380000000009
  • In USD : 2211388400000009
  • In Euro : 2211389780000009
  • In MDL: 2211384980000009
  • In hryvnias of Ukraine: 2211389800000009
  • In Russian rubles: 2211386430000009

Bank details for payment in MDL from the territory of Moldova:

  • Banca beneficiara / Beneficiary's bank: CENTRUL DE CASA SI DECONTARI, OR.TIRASPOL
  • IBAN: MD90TI002211384980000009, COD FISCAL 0200003518

  • storage, identification, collection, study of museum objects and collections, historical buildings and structures;
  • implementation of research and educational activities, including directly in the direction of the study of military history, both of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and other countries;
  • implementation of tourist-excursion, museum and archaeological activities

The enterprise was established on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic No. 663rp dated July 8, 2008.

The creation of the enterprise was preceded by Decree of the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic No. 294 of April 19, 2007 "On the restoration and creation of the Historical Military Memorial Complex" Bendery Fortress "and Decree of the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic No. 631 of November 8, 2006 "On the Military Historical Memorial Cemetery" (Military Necropolis).

The need to create such an enterprise was dictated by the opportunity to organize excursions to the Military Necropolis and the Bendery Fortress, as well as the need to coordinate activities for the reconstruction of objects and the organization of museum activities.

The founder of the enterprise was the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, due to the fact that it was its employees, at the first stage, who undertook the organization of archival search, scientific and restoration activities at both sites.

The state registration of the enterprise was carried out on July 17, 2008 (Certificate of state registration of a legal entity series AA No. 0008849)

The first director of the company was appointed Solovey Mikhail Vasilievich.

Due to the fact that since the establishment of the enterprise, at the first stage, the income from museum and excursion activities did not allow the enterprise to hire a staff of civilian specialists: guides, cashiers, commandants, museum and housekeeping workers, in 2008, in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PMR, The Department of Public Relations and Information, which took over not only the maintenance of the above objects, but also all museum activities in the system of internal affairs bodies of the PMR. Police lieutenant colonel was appointed head of the above Department Vilkov Georgy Stanislavovich.

Directly organizing museum and excursion, as well as economic activities at the Military Necropolis and the Bendery Fortress, the structural subdivision of the UOKSII of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PMR - the Archival and Historical Department of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Bendery was engaged. Major of militia was appointed head of the said department Vilkova Irina Vladimirovna.

On January 27, 2011, by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PMR No. 10 l / s, he was appointed to the post of director of the State Unitary Enterprise IVMK "Bendery Fortress" Prokudin Pavel Nikolaevich

At present, the founder of the enterprise is the State Administration of the city of Bendery.

On the right of economic management, the company currently owns:

  1. Military-historical memorial complex (Military necropolis) on the street. Ermakova, 14;
  2. Territory of the former pontoon regiment Panina 2/3;
  3. The Citadel and the Lower Fortress on the street. Panina, 2;
  4. Nevsky Park (adjacent to the citadel from the south), on the street. Panina, 2
  5. Amusement Park No. Carousel Yard, at the same address

Bendery fortress

Bendery fortress

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Bendery fortress
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