On December 12, 1944, the Bendery city commission for investigating the atrocities of the German-Romanian invaders drew up an act stating that execution pits were found in the moat of the Bendery fortress (the area of the Main Gate on Panin Street, opposite the Monument of Russian Glory. (approx. admin. site). When opening the pits in four places, it was found 58 civilian corpses. Of these, 8 are for children, 28 for women and 22 for men. The execution of these civilians refers to the period of July-September 1941. During the examination of the remains, surviving documents were found (Soviet passports, certificates and others proving the identity of the executed citizens.
When checking the surviving documents, it was established that among those shot were: Shakhnovsky Tovi Yakovlevich (born 1870), Sverdlik Mordka Umarovich (born 1870), Sverdlik Rakhil Rumivovna (born 1871), Zaika Gidali, Taxir Shmil - Leib Moiseevich (b. 1880), Abelman Berka (b. 1880), Trankhterberg Riva Moiseevich (b. 1878), Svirikhovsky Vigdar Leibovich (b. 1894), Tranherbroit Riva, 1Tranterbroit Abram Khailovich ( Born 1873), Yankelevich Mortha Yankelevich
Executions were carried out with firearms (rifle, machine gun) and killing with heavy objects (butts). Source (National Archives of Moldova, f.1026, op.2 d.33)
The German-Romanian invaders did not limit themselves to these atrocities. Executions of citizens were also carried out in other places.
In the city of Bendery died: Lutsenko Ivan Kalinovich, Chernov Daniil, Vinnitsa Kalman, Shraidman, Shraidman's wife, Kreinliman's wife, Kogan, Gesler Sonya Moiseevna, Gesler Aaron Abramovich, Kishinevsky Abram, 'Kishinevsky's mother (85 years old).
Guts Grigory Lukyanovich, Roytman Dina, Roytman Inda, Roytman Khaya were shot on the outskirts of "Caucasus" (died after torture and torture). Source: (pp. 217-218, National Archives of Moldova, f. 1026, op. 2, a. 33).
The discovered bodies were reburied in a mass grave at the Jewish cemetery.
Thanks for the help provided to V. Perstnev, an employee of the Bendery Museum of Local Lore.
More information about this tragedy from the site: https://www.yadvashem.org/untoldstories/database/murderSite.asp?site_id=1830
“Tiginskaya fortress. In the first days of August 1941, on the orders of SS-Sturmbannführer Bruno Müller, commander of the Sonderkommando 11b of Einsatzgruppe D, several dozen Jews of Tighina (including women, children and the elderly) were taken out of their homes and gathered in the school building. Their arrest was made under the pretext that the Jews from Tighina had given a signal to the retreating Red Army forces. The next day, after being interrogated and ill-treated, the victims were loaded into trucks and taken to an anti-tank trench in the Bendery (Tiginskaya) fortress, 300 meters north of the city. Upon arrival at the place of execution, the Jews were divided into small groups. Each group was positioned on the edge of the prepared pit, face to face with the riflemen of the Sonderkommando 11b, and fired from machine guns and machine guns. After the shots were fired, those victims who were only wounded were killed by "control shots" from pistols. For the duration of the shooting operation, members of the Sonderkommando 11b cordoned off this area. The entire execution lasted at least two hours.”
In the same place:
“In the first days of August 1941, several dozen Jewish men, women, children and old people were shot dead by the SS in the Bendery fortress, located on the outskirts of the city. Later that month and in September 1941, occupying troops participated in a series of murders of Bendery Jews in various places throughout the city and around it - 11 victims were killed in different places in the city and 3 Jews in one place. region called the Caucasus. The rest of the Jews were killed on Tkachenko Street, on the banks of the Dniester.”
In the same place: "
“200 Jewish women were killed by the Ek 11a team in Chisinau. A few days later, the victims also included small Jewish children in Tighina; in this action, the Ek-11a commander reportedly personally shot and killed a two-year-old girl.”