On the territory of the citadel in the building of the old Turkish powder magazine (the only Turkish building preserved in the citadel), a museum of the Bendery Fortress has been created and operates. Huge space over 200 sq. m., like the fortress itself, has its own secrets. For example, under the floor slabs there are two kruyt chambers - two rooms in which gunpowder and other explosive supplies were stored. It is natural and reasonable to hide explosives deep underground. You never know where a random, but red-hot cannonball can fall ... In the upper room, the Turks kept weapons, bags, baskets, "unfilled" kernels - all sorts of household supplies. And now here is the museum of the fortress itself. The exposition is mostly made up of objects found during excavations at the fortress, but there are also many gifts from the inhabitants of the city, who, having learned that the fortress was being restored, donated to its museum valuables and objects that were kept in families for hundreds of years. However, the love of Bendery people for their city is well known ...

In the center of the exposition there is a model of the central part of the territory of the fortress, on the sides of it there are two dioramas: “The Camp of the Swedish King Charles XII” and “Storming the Bendery Fortress by the troops of General-General Panin in 1770”. The author of the dioramas is a local artist N.P. Dmitrienko. Since the formation of the museum's exposition has not yet been completed, another layout is in the works - this time a full view of the entire territory of the Bendery fortress. Until now, there was no such model either in the museum of the city or in Chisinau. Museum expositions are formed for a long time, for years, sometimes for decades…
The exposition itself in the museum is built in a temporal context. From left to right there are tablets with information, as well as showcases with exhibits that tell about the history of the fortress from ancient times onwards, then touching on the Ukrainian-Swedish and Turkish periods of history, then the exposition is devoted to the Moldavian principality, then the period of the Russian-Turkish wars. The exposition of the museum ends with a showcase with a unique collection of firearms and a tablet with portraits of famous personalities, whose fate is somehow connected with the history of the fortress. The showcases contain unique exhibits of collections of edged weapons, Moldovan ceramics, royal coins and banknotes. Of course, there are cannonballs, musket bullets and more.

Awards, crosses, epaulettes, etc.

Fragment of a Muslim gravestone

Gift from the Turkish Embassy in Moldova