This publication has been prepared on the basis of long-term archival and genealogical searches dedicated to the ancient noble family of the Luzanovs, whose representatives had their own, sometimes significant, influence not only on historical events in Russia, but also on events here, in Pridnestrovie. The result of this work is the processing and systematization of the first archival data that are available to researchers. As additional data is received and processed, the fund's genealogical laboratory intends to supplement this collection with subsequent issues, with more recent, reliable and scientifically systematized information. The first issue presents research on the "German", "Ukrainian", "American" and partially "Oryol" branches of the genus, so called conditionally. Studies in which the fates of more than a hundred representatives of this glorious family were studied.
Assistance in preparing the publication - State Unitary Enterprise IVMK "Bendery Fortress"
UDC 929.5
BBK T214 (2) - 2 V44
32 p.
Printed from the author's original layout LLC RVT Bendery, 214 Order No. 056