The military-historical memorial complex in Bendery was opened in 2008 on the site of the former Russian military cemetery

ZBIEVSKY Timofey Ivanovich
Major General. Commandant of the Bendery fortress. Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812. Born in 1767. From the family of a poor Polish gentry. He began his service as a private on April 1, 1783 in the 2nd battalion of the Ekaterinoslav Jaeger Corps. Fought with the Turks in 1788 on a rowing flotilla in the Dnieper estuary during the siege of Ochakov. In 1789 he participated in the capture of the Bendery fortress, Causeni and Akkerman. At the Izmail attack, he was one of the first to break into the ramparts, for which on November 11, 1790 he was awarded the rank of lieutenant. By the beginning of the Napoleonic Wars, he was the commander of the Vladimir Musketeer Regiment. For the exemplary actions of the regiment near Austerlitz in November 1805 and personal courage, Zbievsky was awarded the Order of St. George 4th class on January 29, 1806. March 23, 1806 he was promoted to the rank of colonel. Being appointed in September 1809 as the chief of the Mingrelian musketeer regiment, he took part in battles with the Turks. His steadfastness and determination were marked on August 7, 1810 by the rank of major general. In the same year, for the battles near Ruschuk and at Chapchuran, he was awarded the Order of St. George 3rd class No. 221. In 1815, Zbievskiy received the 2nd brigade of the 16th infantry division, and in 1817 he became commandant of the Bendery fortress. He died on February 18, 1828 in Bendery.

VOYTSITSKY Vasily Valeryanovich
Major General. Commander of the 18th Turkestan Rifle Battalion. A native of the Kherson province from hereditary honorary citizens, was born on February 10, 1854. He graduated from the 4th grade of the 2nd gymnasium in Odessa. He entered military service in 1871 in the 55th Podolsky Infantry Regiment as a non-commissioned officer. In 1873 he was sent to the Odessa infantry cadet school to take a course of sciences, after which in 1876 he was promoted to a junker harness. In the same regiment: in 1876 - ensign, in 1877 - commander of a line company, 10/3/1877 - lieutenant, in 1779 - lieutenant with weapons in charge, in 1884 - commander of the 15th company, in 1885 - captain, in 1892 - captain. November 28, 1902 - Lieutenant Colonel with transfer to the 205th Izmail Reserve Battalion, later reformatted into the 205th Izmail Infantry Regiment. In 1906 - colonel, since 1907 - commander of the same regiment. On August 12, 1907, he was appointed commander of the 18th Turkestan Rifle Battalion.
10/8/1911 At the personal request of Colonel Voytsitsky V.V. dated 07/08/1911 (written in Chisinau on 07/08/1911) "due to frustrated domestic circumstances" he was dismissed from service with the next rank of major general, uniform and full board. According to the case No. 130 of September 9, 1911, on the dismissal from the service of Colonel Voytsitsky, who was in the reserve, on the occasion of leaving the states ... a pension was assigned: from the state treasury - 860 rubles each. and additionally a pension of 219 rubles; from the emerital cash desk for 1129 rubles, total 2208 rubles.
During his service, he received a salary of 3381 rubles a year. 71 kop.
As follows from the petition to the General Staff (input 92377 dated 11/27/1912), Major General Voytsitsky V.V., indicating that he, receiving a pension in the Bendery Bessarabian provincial treasury, asks for it to be reassigned (recalculated) according to the new Charter , as a participant in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78, ranked as the 2nd category of the wounded. The petition was written on 11/2/1912 in Bendery.
He has been in passages and cases against the enemy since the day war was declared on April 12, 1877. In the first period of the company from April 12 to June 15, he participated in all movements with the 55th Podolsky Infantry Regiment, which was in the detachment of Lieutenant General Radetsky, under the direct command of Major General Dragomirov, crossed the Prut River near the town of Lova to the Romanian Principality and was during the capture of the mountains. Sistov June 15, 1877. In the second period of the company from June 15, 1977, when crossing the river. The Danube, as part of his regiment, moved to the Shipka pass, where the regiment occupied Mount St. Nicholas and defended it until the end of the 2nd period, i.e. until December 19th. During this period of time, he was part of the regiment that defended the Shipka Pass, participated in battles and skirmishes with the Turks, namely: on August 12-13 in battles under the command of Lieutenant General Radetsky; against the army of Suleiman Pasha; from August 14-23, daily artillery and rifle skirmishes; from 23 to 31 August, a significant bombardment by the Turks of Mount St. Nicholas; was shell-shocked on September 5, thrown out of the lodgement by a bomb explosion and bruised by a stone in the lower back and right knee; from September 9 to 14, it was under the bombardment of Shipka by the Turks, and on October 30, the enemy attack on Shipka was repulsed, on November 9, the Turkish attack was repulsed on Mount St. Nicholas, the skirmish on Shipki on December 11 and again the bombardment of positions. In the third period of the company from December 19 to 28, 1877, as part of the same detachment, he was on Shipka during heavy bombardment under the command of Lieutenant General Radetsky, participated in the last Shipka battle on December 28 and captured the entire Shipka army of Wessel Pasha, where he was wounded by a bullet through the top of the left shoulder. Assigned to the 2nd category of the wounded.
Awards: Order of St. Anna 2nd, 3rd, 4th degree, with the inscription "For Courage", St. Stanislav 2nd and 3rd degree with swords and a bow. Medals: silver for the defense of the Shipka Pass during the war with the Turks of 1877-78, silver in memory of the reign of Emperor Alexander III and St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir 3rd class.
He was married to Valentina Trofimovna, daughter of a retired captain Yefimov. Children: son Leonid born April 12, 1884, daughter Lydia born August 8, 1888, Elena born October 20, 1900, Natalia born November 8, 1911.
He did not have his own estate. (RGVIA F.409, op.2, d.27878 ps.322-805)
He died in Bendery in 1933. In 2003, his burial in the form of a wooden cross and a metal plate was recorded by the director of the local history museum in Bendery at the old cemetery on the street. Suvorov "in the far left corner" (from the main entrance).
MIKHAILOV Nikolay Pavlovich
Major General. Parade Major of the Bendery Fortress. Born December 10, 1835. He came from the nobility of the Kharkov province. He graduated from the course at the Arkhangelsk Gymnasium at the Konstantinovsky Military School and the Nikolaev Engineering Academy in the 1st category. He was a full-time teacher at the Konstantinovsky Military School. He was married to the daughter of a real state councilor, Count Schulenburg, Sofya Genrikhovna. Had 4 children. In the last years of his life, he was listed as a parade-major of the Bendery fortress.
KANNABIKH Philip Ivanovich
Lieutenant general. Commandant of the Bendery fortress. Born 1804, died March 4, 1874. Promoted to officer March 18, 1822. Promoted to Major General November 8, 1861, Lieutenant General March 29, 1872. Appointed commandant of the Bendery fortress, was listed in the 1st battery of the 5th artillery brigade. He was awarded the Order of St. Anne 4th class. "For courage" in 1831. Insignia "For military operations" 4th degree "For the suppression of the Polish rebellion" in 1833. Orders: St. George 4th class. , for 25 years of service in 1848; St. Vladimir 4th degree with a bow in 1849; St. Vladimir 3rd Art. with swords in 1855; St. Stanislaus 1st class in 1868; St. Anne 1st degree in the same year; Imperial Crown to the Order of St. Anne 1st class. in 1871; Insignia of impeccable service for 40 years in 1868. Foreign awards: Austrian Order of the Iron Crown 2nd class. in 1850; Austrian Order of Leopold 2nd class in 1853; Prussian Order of the Red Eagle 2nd class with diamonds in 1860.
OLSHEVSKY Marcellin Matveevich
Lieutenant general. Commandant of the Bendery fortress. Born April 26, 1796, descended from the nobility of the Kamenetz-Podolsk province, Roman Catholic. He was educated in the Noble Regiment. He entered the service in the Noble Regiment on August 8, 1814, was promoted to non-commissioned officer on April 26, 1816, to sergeant major on May 5, 1817, ensigns on August 13, 1817. He was promoted to second lieutenant on May 15, 1819, lieutenant on May 20, 1820, staff captain on July 31, 1822. Transferred as a staff captain in the Life Guards Volynsky Regiment on October 21, 1828. Awarded with a silver medal for the Turkish War of 1828-1829. in 1829. For the difference in cases against the highlanders he was awarded the Order of St. Stanislav 3 tbsp. September 11, 1832. Awarded the Order of St. Anne 2 tbsp. July 27, 1932. He was promoted to colonel with the abandonment of the army and with the appointment to Lieutenant General Velyaminov for special assignments on April 21, 1835. For distinction against the highlanders in 1837, he was promoted to major general, leaving the army on September 2, 1838. Appointed to be with the commander of the troops on the Caucasian line and in the Black Sea coast on December 4, 1838. From 1843 to 1846 he was the civil governor of the Caucasus. While in office, he founded the Caucasian order of public charity, which for the first time in Russia began to be used as a savings bank. In 1848 he was appointed commandant of the Bendery fortress, which he remained until his death in 1866. On April 7, 1855, he was promoted to lieutenant general. In 1860, being the commandant of the fortress and being a Catholic by religion, he founded the Catholic Church of Peter and Paul, which still operates on the street. Komsomolskaya in the city of Bender. At the end of 1870 the temple was assigned to the Orthodox Diocese. He was married by a second marriage to the widow of the titular adviser Josephine Felixova, daughter of Bulatova, a Catholic. He had two children (from his first marriage).
WEDEMEYER Alexander Ivanovich
Major General. Commandant of the Bendery fortress. Alexander-Ferdinand (Alexander Ivanovich) Wedemeyer was born on March 22, 1768. Since August 1, 1779, a soldier of the Life Guards of the Izmailovsky Regiment. From August 20, 1779, corporal, from June 4, 1782, fourier, from April 26, 1784, captain, from March 16, 1786, ensign, from April 26, 1786, sergeant, from September 1, 1789, captain. November 18, 1794 promoted to second major, from December 18, 1796 major, October 17, 1799 promoted to lieutenant colonel. Since September 18, 1803, Colonel. On December 19, 1819, he was promoted to the rank of major general with the appointment of commander of the 3rd brigade of the 17th infantry division. On March 15, 1828 he was appointed commandant of the Bendery fortress. He had awards: on November 26, 1816, the Order of St. George of the 4th degree for impeccable service; December 25, 1827 Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree "for special diligence in service and activity." Was on campaigns: 1789 - against the Swedes; in 1794 in the suppression of the Polish rebellion; in 1805 against the French; in 1808 against the Swedes; in 1814-1815 against the French. From two wives Snarskaya and Bronevskaya had 32 children, many of whom died in infancy, two sons became lieutenant generals. He died on February 12, 1831, being the commandant of the Bendery fortress. He was buried at the Borisov military cemetery, then, due to the desolation of the cemetery, the ashes of the general were transferred to the monument of Russian Glory (Orel) on the street. Panin, near the Main Gate of the Bendery Fortress.
DUBELT Pavel Petrovich
Lieutenant general. Commander of the Second Brigade of the 14th Infantry Division. Born June 24, 1827, Orthodox religion. He was educated in the cadet corps. He entered the service on August 14, 1847, at the same time he was promoted to warrant officer, to second lieutenant on April 24, 1849, to ensign of the guard on August 22, 1851, second lieutenant on April 11, 1854, lieutenant on December 6, 1855, in the headquarters captains on April 17, 1862; captains on March 27, 1866; colonels on April 20, 1869. Promoted to the rank of Major General in 1883. Appointed commander of the 2nd Brigade, 14th Infantry Division on May 13, 1886. He took part in the construction of the "White" barracks in Tiraspol, where a memorial plaque with the name of engineer Dubelt is still preserved. He was awarded the orders of: St. Stanislav 3rd class (1858), St. Anna 3rd class (1864), St. Stanislaus 2nd class (1866), St. Stanislaus 2nd class with the imperial crown ( 1871), Saint Vladimir 4th degree (1873), Saint Anna 2nd degree (1878), Saint Vladimir 3rd degree (1882), Saint Stanislav 1st degree (1888 .) He was awarded foreign insignia: the Order of the Prussian Crown, 2nd degree (1873), the Austrian - Franz Joseph Commander's Cross (1874). He was married and had a daughter. Died April 27, 1904. He was buried at the Borisov military cemetery, then, due to the desolation of the cemetery, the ashes of the general were transferred to the monument of Russian Glory (Orel) on the street. Panin, near the Main Gate of the Bendery Fortress.
FERSTER Egor Khristianovich
Engineer, lieutenant general. Chief of Engineers of the 2nd Army. Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812. Born in 1758. From the German nobles, a native of the city of Braunschweig. He wanted to be in Russian citizenship, but did not take the oath. For his distinction in various battles against the Turks, he received the highest award in the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment as a lieutenant on February 6, 1786. He retired as second lieutenant on January 1, 1791. He entered the service from retirement (engineer) as an adjutant wing in the Corps of Engineers on April 29, 1791, promoted to second lieutenant on July 15, 1791, "captains, in battle - to majors" - July 15, 1791, lieutenant colonels - January 23, 1798, colonels - February 10, 1799. Resigned with the rank of colonel on July 27, 1799. He was again accepted into service with the same rank on November 25, 1801. For distinction in battles, he was promoted to major general on October 9, 1809. He had awards: For courage and bravery against the French in the battle of Borodino on August 24 and 26, 1812, he was awarded the Order of St. Anna 1st class, and for excellent work, diligence and knowledge during the battle of Borodino, he was awarded diamond badges to the order. For the labors incurred during the blockade of the city of Hamburg on September 10, 1814, he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 2 tbsp. Awarded with the Cavalier Swedish Sword for diligent service on April 29, 1814. For good deeds against French subjects, he was granted the command of the Legion of Honor on February 28, 1815. On December 1, 1806, he was appointed to the commandant's position in Akkerman, on December 6 he commanded a detachment assigned to occupy the Kiliya fortress. On December 10, he was appointed commandant to the indicated fortress. In 1809 he was sent to the Marquis de Traves to inspect and carry out work in the fortresses and fortifications of the Black Sea. On March 16, 1812 he was appointed chief of engineers of the 2nd army. On June 12, 1815, he was sent to survey the fortresses of Akkerman, Kili, Izmail, Bender and draw up new projects for their defense. He was married to the daughter of a collegiate adviser to Schneider, Louise Ivanova. Didn't have children. He died in Bender on November 4, 1826.
DOLGOVO-SABUROV Fyodor Petrovich
Major General. Head of the Danube artillery garrison. From the oldest boyar family of the Dolgovs and Saburovs. Born in 1790. From the nobles of the St. Petersburg province, the son of a retired lieutenant. In 1804 he was released from the cadet corps to serve as a second lieutenant in the Smolensk pontoon business, which was reorganized into a regiment. In 1806 he was promoted to lieutenant, in 1807 to staff captain with an appointment to the 3rd artillery brigade. In 1811 he was promoted to captain, and in 1813 "for distinction in service" - to lieutenant colonel. In 1830, “in respect for the excellent diligent service and courage shown in the past Persian and Turkish wars, as well as the wound received in battle, which deprived him of the opportunity to continue his field service, he was commanded to be seconded to the Kiev arsenal.” In 1835 he was promoted to major general and in the same year was appointed head of the artillery garrisons of the Danube district. During his service, he participated in 13 campaigns against the enemy, including in the wars with France 1805-1807, 1812-1815, with Persia 1826-1828 and Turkey 1828-1829. He had orders: St. Anne 4th class. and 2nd art. with diamond decorations, as well as the 1st tbsp. with the imperial crown; St. George 4th class; St. Vladimir 4 tbsp. with a bow and 3 st. of the same order and St. Stanislav 1 tbsp. He was married to the daughter of the Courland gofrat von Schulz, Maria Ivanovna. Didn't have children. He died of a fever in Bendery at the age of 59 (62) years.
BATYREV Ilya Illarionovich
Major general, parade-major of the Bendery fortress. Born July 20, 1807, of the Orthodox faith, descended from the nobility of the Yekaterinoslav province. He was brought up in the Dmitrievsky orphanage department. He entered the service as a teacher's assistant of non-commissioned officer rank in the Dmitrievskoe military orphan department, which later received the name of the Semi-battalion of military cantonists on May 20, 1823. Appointed as a teacher on January 1, 1825, renamed ensign with transfer to the reserve battalion of the Kursk Infantry Regiment on July 27, 1827, to ensign on May 6, 1830. Promoted to ensign with transfer to the Poltava Infantry Regiment with enrollment in the reserve battalion on November 1, 1833, he was seconded to the 5th battalion of the infantry field marshal Duke of Wellington of the regiment at the same time. Promoted to second lieutenant April 30, 1835, lieutenant August 1, 1837. Promoted to staff captain April 1, 1840. Posted to the Model Infantry Regiment on August 29, 1841. He was promoted to captain on June 6, 1846, to major with a transfer to the Kremenchug Chasseurs Regiment on April 4, 1848. For distinction in cases against the rebellious Hungarians, he was awarded the Order of St. Anne 3 tbsp. with a bow August 8, 1849. He was awarded the cavalry badge of the Order of Leopold of Austria on August 21, 1849. For participation in the 1849 campaign against the rebellious Hungarians, he received a "bronze historical medal" in 1851. For distinction in the battle against the Turks, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel on June 5, 1854. Awarded the distinction of impeccable service for XX years on August 22, 1854. He was appointed to the position of the Bendery parade-major in the Bendery fortress on March 12, 1855, and was approved as the parade-major of the Bendery fortress on April 18, 1855. Awarded with orders: St. Vladimir 4 tbsp. for 25 years of impeccable service on October 22, 1858; St. Stanislaus 2 tbsp. decorated with the imperial crown on January 3, 1860. For distinction in service, he was promoted to colonel on December 17, 1863. Awarded the Order of St. Anne 2 tbsp. with the imperial crown and swords over the order on October 4, 1866. For excellent, diligent and zealous service, a diamond ring with a ruby was awarded on June 5, 1872. Widows, had a son Mikhail on August 10, 1855. Died May 23, 1874.
SOETSKY Bonaventur Stanislavovich
Major General. Presus of the military-judicial commission of the Bendery Ordinance-gauz. Born June 25, 1796, descended from the nobility of the Warsaw province, Roman Catholic. He was educated at the Kalisz Lyceum "during the Duchy of Warsaw". He entered the service as a non-commissioned officer in the Courland Dragoon (renamed the Leib-Ulansky EV) regiment on February 3, 1816. He was promoted to cadet on August 24, 1818, ensign - on January 30, 1819. Promoted to lieutenant June 13, 1821, appointed regimental quartermaster November 24, 1822. Promoted to staff captain on May 28, 1825. Appointed parade-de-camp in the city of Warsaw with a fortune in heavy cavalry on July 1, 1831. For military merit he was awarded the Polish badge of distinction 4 tbsp. October 3, 1832. Promoted to captain April 1, 1833. For distinction in service he was awarded the Order of St. Stanislav 4 tbsp. December 6, 1833. Awarded the distinction of impeccable service for 15 years on August 22, 1838. For distinction in service, he was promoted to major with an appointment to the Kiliya fortress as a parade-major with a fortune in heavy cavalry on May 7, 1839. Awarded the distinction of impeccable service for 20 years on August 22, 1845. For 25 years of service in officer ranks, he was awarded the Order of St. George, 4th class on January 12, 1846. Awarded the distinction of impeccable service for 25 years on August 22, 1847. For distinction in service, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel on August 11, 1850 and awarded the Order of St. Anne, 3rd class. May 15, 1855. Appointed Prezus of the Bendery Military Judicial Commission on October 17, 1858. Upon the abolition of the position of the permanent Presus of the military-judicial commission at the Bendery Ordinance-gause, he was expelled by the type of weapon with the production of salaries according to rank and with the introduction of candidates for positions in commandant's offices for appointment with the opening of the first vacancies on August 31, 1863. Was a widow. Had children: Mikhail, Vladimir, Victor, Leonid and Maria. He was married to Evdokia Stepanova, of the Orthodox faith. He died in March 1862 and was buried in the military cemetery next to his wife.
LUZANOV Foma Petrovich
Major General. Commander of the Sevsk Infantry Regiment. From the nobles of the Chernihiv province. Born in 1787 in a military family. On March 13, 1807, he entered the cadet service in the 22nd Chasseur Regiment. In 1808 he was promoted to harness junker. On May 4, 1811, he was promoted to ensign, on February 26, 1812 he was promoted to a vacancy in second lieutenants, on September 8, 1813 he was transferred to the 52nd Chasseur Regiment. On November 7, 1816 he was promoted to lieutenant, on May 23, 1817 he was promoted to staff captain. On April 9, 1818, June 21, 1821 he was transferred to the 13th Jaeger Regiment with the appointment of a major. On March 25, 1825, he was transferred to the Saratov Infantry Regiment and on May 4 of the same year he was approved as a battalion commander. On March 2, 1829 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel, on April 13, 1832 to colonel (for distinction in battles against Polish rebels), on April 2, 1833 he was appointed commander of the Sevsky Infantry Regiment. On March 31, 1837, he was dismissed from the service as a major general due to wounds with the preservation of his uniform. Participated in battles against the mountaineers in the Caucasus (1809-1811), with the Turks (1828-1829 was wounded and shell-shocked), with the Polish rebels (1831). He had awards: Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree with a bow; a gold half-saber with the inscription "For Bravery"; Order of St. George 4th degree; Order of St. Anna 2nd degree; Prussian Order of the Red Eagle. He was from a poor family, since he did not have a family estate, he used the lease of the village of Sendzewice in the Kingdom of Poland, with farms of 5,000 zlotys of annual income. During military service he was not married. On September 19, 1847, at the age of 56, in a cathedral in Odessa, he married a 23-year-old girl Natalya Dembrovskaya, the daughter of a late collegiate adviser. After his retirement, he permanently lived in Odessa, he had 7 children from Demrovskaya. The most famous of them are: infantry general, senator of the Russian Empire, professor Pyotr Fomich Luzanov; the last chairman of the commercial court of Odessa, Mikhail Fomich Luzanov. He bought 36 hectares of land in the Gyrtop tract, near Bender, where he owned an estate (now the village of Khadzhimus, a suburb of Bender). In Gyrtop, Luzanov and his children were engaged in breeding carnations and making sweet wine with herbs according to Greek recipes (a prototype of the future wine “Bouquet of Moldavia”. General Luzanov died of old age in the city of Bender in a hospital on January 20, 1871 at the age of 84, was buried in Transfiguration Cathedral.
SAVKOV Vasily Mikhailovich
Major General. Commander of the Bendery artillery garrison of the 9th brigade. From the nobles of the Voronezh province. Born in 1787 (according to the metric record of death), in 1789 (according to the official list). He was brought up in the 1st Cadet Corps. He entered service in 1807 under the second lieutenant at the age of 17 in the 10th artillery brigade, later renamed the 26th. In 1813 - a lieutenant, in 1821 - a staff captain with a transfer to the 17th Art. brigade. In 1824 - captain. In 1826 - Commander of the 4th park company of the same brigade. In 1829 he was a lieutenant colonel, in 1833 he was transferred to the 25th Art. brigade. In 1837 - commander of the Bendery artillery garrison. In 1846 - colonel. On October 26, 1851, he was dismissed from service due to poor health and old age, with the rank of Major General, with a uniform and a full salary position. Complained 571.80 rubles.
He participated in campaigns: he was in 1812,1813,1814 and 1815 in a company against the French, showed distinction on July 12, 1812 near the city of Mogilev and near the villages of Novoselki and Sutlanovka, for which he was awarded; On August 4-6 near the city of Smolensk, also on August 24-26 near the city of Mozhaisk and near the village of Borodino, where he was wounded in both legs by a bullet through and through concussion. He was in the battle on October 7-9, 1813 at the city of Leipzig, for which he was promoted to lieutenant. In 1828 and 1829 he participated in the war against the Turks.
Awards: personalized golden sword with the inscription "for courage" (for distinction under the city of Mogilev and others in 1812). Order of St. Vladimir 4th class with a bow (for distinction in 1812 at Borodino and others). Silver medals in memory of 1812 and the entry of Russian troops into Paris in 1814 and for the Turkish War of 1828-1829. Knight of the Order of St. George 4th class for 25 years of impeccable service.
Widows. Children: Alexander, born in August 1817, captain of the Moscow Infantry Regiment; Nikolai, born in 1821, lieutenant of the reserve battalion of the Modlin Infantry Regiment; Konstantin, born in April 1825, cornet of the Prince Chernyshev regiment. (for 1851).
He did not have his own estate. He died in the city of Bender on May 15, 1826 at the age of 75 from decrepitude. He was buried in the common parish cemetery. (RGVIA f.395, op.43, d.558, parish book of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Bendery for 1826).
His wife Irina (Ekaterina), daughters Maria and Alexandra, as well as son Nikolai, a retired captain of the Bendery fortress regiment, are also buried in Bendery.
LEBEL Wilhelm
Major General. He died on August 1, 1770 during the siege of the Bendery fortress, during a sortie by a large Turkish detachment, being part of the Second Russian Army, led by Panin, commanding the equipment of underground trenches leading to the fortress. He joined the army in 1725. In 1741, being a prime minister, he was listed in the Butyrsky infantry regiment. In 1750, he was listed in the Rostov Infantry Regiment with the rank of lieutenant colonel. He was promoted to the rank of colonel in 1755 in the Shirvinsky infantry regiment. In the rank of major-general of the Ukrainian division, it is listed in 1762 with the reference “production to the previous rank”, i.e. foreman (for 1759). According to unconfirmed reports, he was buried along with Colonels Korf and Miller, who died during the assault, on the “hill with. Varnitsa” (suburb of Bender).