Technical expertise and development of a working technical design for conservation and restoration work on the Bendery fortress (stage 1)

Geophysical research of the citadel

Shear wave speed.
To confirm the results of diagnostics, drilling of wells is necessary in some important parts of the object

The tower is angular northeast, octagonal. Drilling from the outside, at the southern flank, at the junction of the tower to the citadel wall. The basement level appears to be located at a depth of about 2.80 m from the ground surface, which is in good agreement with the ERT results. The details presented in photographs of the archaeological specimen next to the foundation wall confirm the ERT evidence and support a geophysical interpretation that reveals lithological changes in the geologic stratigraphy.

Results of electromagnetic studies (EM) resistivity component (100 cm g/l and 800 cm g/l)

3 ERT axonometric view setting. Line 2D

Construction periodization of the Bendery fortress from Professor A. Krasnozhon (Ukraine) indicating the placement of posterns and lapidary (epigraphic) monuments - stone tablets on drawings and inscriptions on the walls

S1-S3. Places of reconnaissance pits (excavations) in order to detect the level and condition of the foundations of buildings

Condition of soil and foundations.
From left to right: SIII-SI-SII. In excavation SIII (tower of the citadel), a coin from the times of the Commonwealth, a solidus from the times of Stefan Batory (Poland) 1582, was found.

Structural problems of the object.
- Northern tunnel (Grigorievsky gates);
- Two towers on the lower tier and a passage (Strelkovaya, Fort and Horse Gates);
- Northeast tower of the citadel (Armenian);
- Stone masonry of the citadel (Cracks and destruction);
- The presence of later walls (Kronverk);
- water tower
1. Northern tunnel B8 (Grigorievsky Gates)
Cracks due to diffuse soil failure, as seen elsewhere, along a newly formed wall in the presence of a sloping surface.
Destruction in case of rupture of the structure of the barrel vault.

2. Two towers and gates - B3, B4, B6 (Fort Tower, Rifle and Horse Gates)
The round walls of the corner tower are not covered by decking (there are none), they are also vulnerable due to the absence of the box-like effect.

3. Northeast tower of the citadel A6 (Armenian)
Typical seismic cracks that also occur in bell towers (with high and thin walls) and develop vertically at the loopholes

4. Stone masonry of the citadel (cracks and destruction)
Left: The wall is collapsing due to displacement processes caused by soil movements. Right: vertical cracks due to possible ground subsidence.

wooden elements (internal reinforcement) are not currently available

- The absence of an element of a wooden reinforcement part. Which run parallel to the wall (green on the radar scan).
- At this point, the element's original wood frame area, which is now missing - across the wall (black on the radar scan) is visible on the outer wall.

5. The presence of later walls (Kronverk)

- Seismic action on the left side
- Damage evolution
- Further building up the foundation

6. Water tower (Gate)