A.V. REDSKIN. Fortresses and cities of the North-Western Black Sea region (XV-XVIII centuries)
Monograph (Scientific edition) edited by A.V. Fedoruk
The monograph examines the history of the fortresses of the North-Western Black Sea region in the XV-XVIII centuries. in the context of the development of defense complexes from stone castle architecture to bastion fronts. The issues of typology, origin, dating, localization and functional ability of objects of long-term fortification of the region at different stages of their existence are raised. Particular attention is paid to the historical topography of cities, medieval Moldavian, Greek, Armenian and Ottoman epigraphy in the source aspect. The natural resources of the region, which contributed to its urbanization at certain stages of the specified period, are considered. Dozens of historical plans and images, materials of modern reconstructions and author's measured drawings of monuments of military and civil architecture have been introduced into scientific circulation.
XV-XVIII centuries For historians, archaeologists, art critics, local historians.
A large section is dedicated, among other things, to the Bendery fortress
In Ukrainian. 310 pp.